'Anata, Abu Dis, Container (Wadi Nar), Tue 1.4.08, Afternoon

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Rina H., Julia W., Rahel W. (reporting)
The checkpoint at Anata was extremely busy.  We arrived as busloads of school children were returning home.  Two lanes led to Jerusalem, one back into the village.  Traffic moved very quickly with the most cursory of checks.

Wadi Naar


There was a lot of traffic in both directions, but it moved quickly.  During the time that we were there, about 4 vehicles were stopped, but i.d.'s were handed back within 5 minutes.  E., the commander, whom we met several times in the past came over to speak to us and as usual, was most cordial.  When he is at the checkpoint, things function efficiently.

There was also a large number of workers heading home who went through the checkpoint without incident.