Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Mon 19.11.07, Morning

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צופות ומדווחות: 
Ziva B. and Judy A.(reporting)


Meitar (Sansana) crossing 
6:30 - There were about 30 workers waiting to cross when we arrived. Within 5 minutes, they had all gone through the gate into the security control area. The men asked us if we could do something about transportation from the crossing into Beer Sheva for those who are not being picked up for work. They have to call for taxis, which is expensive, and would like an Egged bus stop to built at the crossing. They also asked if a shelter could be built so they don’t have to stand in the rain while waiting for transportation. They are worried about the predicted rains.

Route 60

Beit Haggai – a police jeep was standing at the entrance.

Dura and El Fawwar – checkpoint is open. An army jeep is standing by the pillbox. Many children, big and small, walk along the sides of the narrow road on their way to school.

Sheep Junction – checkpoint is open. On our way back, an army jeep was now stationed at the Sheep junction (8:35).

Shuyukh junction (8:30) - A few people crossing the road.  


Tarpat magnetic crossing (7:30) - Children and adults passing through the crossing in both directions.  Two soldiers stationed there. One observer from a Christian group was on duty and two others joined him. One of them, an English man, is married to a Moslem woman in Hebron and seemed to be a familiar person to numbers of people passing through the crossing. He felt that the settlers are harassing the school children less now that the new police commander in Hebron has stationed more policemen on the streets.

Cave of Machpela CP (8:15) - Only a few people were crossing the checkpoint.