Qalandiya, Mon 16.2.09, Morning

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Ronnie P., Ruti R., Judy O.
5:50 - We entered the checkpoint from the Jerusalem side
and noticed large piles of plastic bags with Palestinian belongings.
These are thrown over the bars before entering the "sleeves" since the
narrowness makes it almost impossible to carry anything.

There were
hundreds of workers crowded into the waiting area and pressing against
the entrances to the sleeves. Sporadic arguments broke out. It is clear
that Kalandia is not large enough to cope with such numbers, and in fact
the checkpoint is being enlarged. The sheer numbers made the waiting time
at least half an hour and then further time for the actual checking. The
humanitarian gate was opened from time to time but also there  a
large crowd gathered quickly. Adolescent schoolboys at the humanitarian
gate who taunted the soldiers, were sent away as punishment and then
later were allowed through.There were complaints by adults waiting in
the queue that the pupils had beenmessing around and had not joined the
queue earlier and that they were now taking the place of people
trying to get to work on time. 
The old and the sick were let through the humanitarian gate, and all in all, considering the number of people, the checking went smoothely, despite the