Tuba - a visit to Sujud's homr

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צופות ומדווחות: 
Smadar and Michal (photographing  and reporting); Translator: Natanyz
ביקור בבית סוג'וד

We drove to Tuba at the request of Ali Awad, a local activist.

To remind you, Tuba is the tiny settlement that is 2.5 km from A-Tuwani, from which the children go out every morning on foot to school there, and 'enjoy' the escort of the IDF as agreed (if it is not in operational employment), so that the settlers of Havat Maon will not attack them. The IDF is too weak and can not overcome control of the settlers. It is easier for them  to accompany the children. There lives the lovely Sujud who talked to Galia Oz. In the photo, she is sitting between Muhammad and her father.

The photo says it all about the standard of living of the locals.

To get to Tuba you have to make a huge detour: half an hour instead of 10 minutes, since it is not possible to drive on the road near Maon and Havat Maon. But this is of course forbidden. For this reason, Tuba children have to drag themselves twice a day on  a detour, which in no way can be called a road. Hard to understand until you actually experience this.

Ali happily shows us the entire amount of straw piles they purchased thanks to donations in place of the straw burned by the settlers about a month ago. Ali really wants to set up a playground for children in an area that looks appropriate on the surface, between the community houses and Havat Maon, right in the area of ​​the road where children walk every day. He promised that he would be in charge of this project.

I promised to try to see what could be done, perhaps with the help of Buma Inbar's experience and connections.

If anyof you thinks that they can help with advice or an act I would be happy.

Now after Yigal Mosko's TV story, everyone saw what life was like there and there might be some wave of caring for a minute and a half.

Near the Meitar checkpoint, GSS activity resumed near the breach in the fence.

The Palestinians  are so dangerous to the country that the security forces turn a blind eye to everything that is happening there in broad daylight. But someone in charge recognizes the fact that this manpower, the Palestinians,  is very necessary and cannot be given up.

Is this a dream or ….? Does someone have a rare talent for the ability to sing in two voices? Who knows.