Qalandiya, Mon 12.11.07, Morning

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מקום או מחסום: 
צופות ומדווחות: 
Ronny P. and Judy S. and a guest

06.45 :Sho'afat  Camp

There are many buses taking the children to various schools.
At the checkpoint a couple of women and a man who were sent back. The man has all the permits but alas the wrong address in his ID. Not allowed to go through this checkpoint. He moved and hasn't changed his address in his ID yet. No wonder - it takes time and it's not worth the effort. He says mostly they let him through The officer who even agreed with us that most Israelis don't have a clue of how hard and complicated the Palestinians' life is told us that even if he brings his new lease to show he has moved he wouldn't let him through. Regulations.

08 :00: Qalandiya
We stopped to talk to the families of prisoners at Offer and heard some of their stories.
A man on the way to visit his son- almost a year hs passed and no trial. One night they just came and took his 16-year old son away. They have a lawyer and he hopes that after a year the son will be released.
At the checkpoint at 09.15  the DCO is still closed. We called the commander and he too was surprised that  the turnstile leading to the DCO was closed although the office itself had opened. Everyone looked at us with great admiration. We did something earth shaking!
Naturally those whose papers were OK will get permits and some will be called for an interview with a Captain X. and will not be given a permit until then.
In sharp contrast to the filthy environment the building of Government offices is clean.
There was nothing unusual about the morning routine today and we left at 10am