'Anabta, Irtah, Jubara (Kafriat), Mon 16.2.09, Afternoon

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צופות ומדווחות: 
Yona A, Niva D., Elisheva E., Dalia (a guest) Translator: Orna B.

14:00 Irtach
Since we had a guest we entered
Irtach in order to show her and explain to her the differences between
crossing the border, and the checkpoints we observe regularly.
14:00 Jubara
A soldier is already coming towards us with a key. So this possiblity exists.
The Children's Gate is empty of soldiers. At A-ras we are told that it had been cancelled. It's logical.
There are a few cars which are not inspected, except for one car
which is prevented from entering the village. The papers were checked
but we did not wait for the results of the inspection. If he is not a
resident and has no permit he will not enter.
We explained to the guest the different journey directions and
different destinations, and why the sunken road had not been repaired.
14:45 Anabta 
The checkpoint is almost empty. The few cars arriving from both directions are not inspected.
A civilian vehicle with a police officer in uniform and another
person dressed as a civilian are chasing an Israeli vehicle which wants
to enter Tulkarm. It is unpleasant to see the expression of
satisfaction on the hunters' faces and the begging of the driver. He
had not stopped at the "Stop"sign at the junction. It is better to be
cautious. Many points. We too are marked.