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Observers: YI, RP

Driving to Wadi Nar via Kedar you understand the meaning of
"settler road".

Empty. It exists only for the inhabitants of Kedar.

We arrived at the checkpoint- a great clean up project going on
supervised by an officer and 2 tough familiar types at the
checkpoint. Very few detained - 7 guys in a transit and 2 guys with
2 Americans (ISM volunteers) on their way to Bethlehem.

Our only success, if it can be called so: we caused that an officer
speed up checking IDs. .A semi success maybe a talk with the
soldiers reminding them that an easing of IDF restrictions includes
efficient and polite treatment of the population.

AbuDis at dark looked a very quiet place with 3 tired looking
Border Policemen whose dinner arrived soon after we came. People
were climbing over the wall, all along the wall. The sad looking
graffiti staring in the semidarkness .