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Ar-Ram: A group of Armoured Corps
soldiers, civil and efficient, traffic moves fluently, both of
pedestrians and cars. One of the soldiers cautions us that it is
dangerous in the checkpoint, there were shooting of Palestinians
yesterday night around 10. Nobody was hurt.

Qalandya: Amir in charge, civil and rules are kept strictly. One
woman soldier very vulgar and rude but not necessarily hostile.
Quite a lot of traffic that moves quickly. Nothing at Tora-Bora.
Curiously the soldiers in Qalandya did not volunteer anything about
the shooting, When asked they reported about is matter of fact. One
said that later they found out that although it was aimed at the
checkpoint, the shooting marked a celebration of a release of a

Back at Ar-Ram: Mixed scene. Kobi, in charge, obliges to a lady who
explains that she drives her terminally sick husband with her car
to work and can not wait in line. On the way back she has to rush
because her two little grandchildren are waiting for her outside
the house. She and her husband have blue IDs. Kobi gives her a
handwritten note that is supposed to help her pass outside the
queue, permanently. On the other hand he detains a young man and a
young woman who were caught inside Israel without permit, they will
wait for an hour so that they will not do it again.