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South of the Ar-Ram checkpoint, stood
one Police and one border police jeep. They were checking about 30
Palestinians, all with blue IDs who had just been checked at
Ar-Ram. The soldiers were rude and hostile towards us, and forbade
the Palestinians from talking to us.

Ar-Ram: A lot of soldiers, reasonably behaved. The same man from
last week, who has an official note from the Ministry of Interior
in Netanya that his ID was damaged and another one is being issued,
was again denied passage. We intervened, and was let pass. Qalandya
South: Around 30 detaineesinfo-icon, their IDs being checked, said they had
been there for 1 and half hour. Qalandya North: Many soldiers,
rude, nervous, hostile. Only blue IDs and permits were allowed to
pass. The woman soldier told every Palestinian who could not pass:
"20 children were killed, that's why you can't pass". The
soldiers forbade the Palestinians to talk to us, and asked us to
stand away. A Palestinian doctor who lives in A-Ram and works in
Ramallah didn't wanted to go to work without being certain that she
will be allowed to return home. The soldiers advised her to return
home now.