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Abu Dis, 15:40 2 Palestinians were
waiting as 3 border policemen were checking their ID's. They hadn't
waited long. Some minutes later a transit arrived and a group of
men burst out, racing to the wall, the border policemen chasing
them. 3 made it, 8 were caught and shoved towards the wall, in the
sun, as their IDs were being checked. The border policemen agreed
to move them to the shade on condition we don't talk to them. They
refused our request to give their names. Along the wall and at the
hotel all was quiet, no border policemen and very few people
crossing over. At the gate, 8 Border policemen check IDs, passing
only blue ones and permit holders, but the atmosphere is quiet.
Some of the refused try their luck over the wall. We heard that 2
days ago, in the morning, the border policemen threw tear gas by
the gate for no reason. Our driver repeated the story. He also
showed us the houses in Sawahre that were demolished that morning.

Sawahre, 17:45. Manned by 3 Border policemen, one of them sitting
in the car, calling to check the IDs. About 40 men wanting to cross
outbound were waiting in the shade. Some reported waiting for 4
hours. The border policemen claimed it was just 1/2 an hour. After
our intervention, 2 IDs were returned every 10 minutes (though no
new people were detained). One phone call later, all IDs were
returned. Passage into Israel was smooth and no one sent back. One
of the men waiting for his ID complained that one of the border
policemen kept harassing the young women, demanding a kiss in
return for the right to pass.