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16:10 The place looks clean and
orderly. Two brand new electronic security checking gatesinfo-icon have been
constructed (airport style) and a roof has been built above the
checking area. The soldier in charge demanded that we move all the
way over. He attempted to prevent us from standing near the
detaineesinfo-icon. We called to find out if the policy has changed. It had
not. A small stream of pedestrians came through and were checked
without delay. Cars from the north waited ten minutes, were checked
and let through. No one was detained. At 17:40, a group of some 40
young people emerged from the north, carrying musical instruments
(including a contrabass), musical scores and stands, with several
cameramen, and placed themselves right next to us, opening musical
scores and tuning their instruments. The person coordinating this
belongs to a French solidarity organization. He explained that they
were giving music lessons in refugee camps, and intend to set up an
orchestra, in collaboration with Daniel Barenboim. They began
playing, when the soldiers told them to stop and move over to the
shops (all this recorded on camerainfo-icon). We tried to help, the
commander objected, Vivaldi kept playing -- it was surreal! Then O.
lost his temper and started shoving people around within the group.
Another officer showed up, a quarrel ensued, the blue police were
about to be summoned -- but the incident ended with the orchestra
moving to the red umbrella, and playing there. The soldiers left
them alone, and classical Western and Arabic music was heard as we