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Ar-Ram 07:00. A small checkpoint set up
after the regular one that was checking cars. A relatively short
line of cars waiting to be checked. All was quiet, with sparse
traffic moving along quickly.

Qalandya: There, too, not much traffic and the soldiers were
checking efficiently, with almost no incidents of people without
the proper passes asking to pass. Apparently this is because the
school year has ended, and so children are no longer going to
school. We heard the usual complaints about the humiliation and
inconvenience of it all. There were no detained people, and no
people trying to bypass the checkpoint. Construction is going on
the airport side of the road, the soldiers said it is the
separation fence going up. Most depressing was the sense that the
Palestinian people have simply accepted the situation and are no
longer trying to outwit, plead, argue etc. their way across. Those
who don't have the proper papers simply did not try to cross.
Therefore, the whole business has become more efficient. While in
the past it was disturbing to see the violence and frustration,
this more efficient businesslike atmosphere is very sad. As usual,
even those who have the proper papers and eventually do pass,
approach with anxiety.