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4:00p.m. Very heavy presence of border
police: near the gas station, more about 50 meters down the road,
and still more in the hotel yard. Very little movement of either
cars or people. A few who could manage it, climbed over the 2 meter
wall where there was no barbed wire, while the BP looked on. At the
hotel were three people who lived in the neighborhood, much
offended by the foul language and insulting behavior of the BPs
toward one of the young women. When we suggested to one of the
women that she report the offending policeman, her response was:
"To whom do you complain when the judge is your enemy?".
But she complained to the two border police. One apologized. The
other refused to admit to inappropriate behavior. Transits started
going up the road toward the new passageway. The gate had just been
opened after having been closed all day. We were told by the three
BPs that the gate is open from 5:am until 8am and from 4:00 p.m.
until 7:00 p.m. in the afternoon. "What if a child is late for
school or a sick person must get through when the gate is
locked?". "No problem", we were told. There is an
officer on duty on the east side of the wall and he allows those
having to get across to go through. We were told that the concrete
barrier wall is now the border. Who determined that to be the
border and according to what ruling was that so? Between what two
entities is it the border?