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Jubara Monday morning, 26.1.2004 Watchers: Herzelia E., Dina M., Nomi L., Tami K., Butzi, Edna M. (reporting) As we were a large group from MachsomWatch, we split up in the early morning. 3 went directly to the Tulkarm CP and 3 went to the Schoolchildren's Gate. 06.55, Schoolchildren's Gate. It is freezing cold and drizzling. On our way to the gate, we gave a ride to two young boys. Five minutes later the IDF soldiers arrive, and seeing us, they stop their car with a squeal of brakes and open the gate. They let the first arrivals through, then close the gate again. We tell them that more children are coming, and they open it again. This kind of ping-pong goes between them and us till all the 66 children are through. It is done in good spirit, but if we have not been there, they would have left long before. They also scold the children: "Yalla, Yalla!" ["Move it!" in Arabic.] We comment on that, and they stop. After 20 minutes all the children are through. 07.25, The Jubara Checkpoint. We get a telephone call from the other 3 that all goes smoothly, and that the gatesinfo-icon were open at 7.00 (usually they open only at 7.30 or 8.00), and all 8 trucks waiting were let through. Also to our surprise quite a large number of women agricultural workers were let through to the Israeli side.Our second half joined us at the checkpoint. We split up into 3 groups at the various sides of the checkpoint. There was smooth and easy flow of vehicles (buses, ambulances and private cars) and pedestrians. We watch for an hour, then decide to go back to Tulkarm.08.20. No trucks queuing. Some men, laborers, are out of the checkpoint, waiting for their Israeli employers to come and pick them up to transport them to the job site. They all have permits to work in Israel. We watch for 10 minutes and leave.It's a relief to watch without any special problems.