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Bethlehem, El Khader, Etzion, Monday AM (06:30 - 08:30), 29 Dec 03. MachsomWatch Observers: Nora B. Rachel F. Amy K. (reporting). Checkpoint 300, Bethlehem:A short queue of pedestrians, a longer line of cars going north. Traffic is moving slowly. The soldiers ask us to move because there are warnings that someone is going to commit a shooting. We do not move. Four men that were caught on the Bethlehem side are detained. They say that they have permit and have been waiting for 2 hours. El Khader: When we arrive there is no military presence. A jeep arrives after we leave so we don't know what happened there. Etzion:Very few cars, and traffic is flowing. There was much military presence at Beit Omer and the refugee camp south of Beit Omer.