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It was Palm Sunday, and road at the bottom of Mt. Olives was closed due to a procession, so we approached Abu Dis from the top of Mt. Olives -- a beautiful ride. On the way we encountered 4 BP soldiers, but they didn't seem to be stopping anyone, so we continued our way. There were no soldiers at the wall. A big opening had been opened in the wall just to the left of where people climb across the dip in the wall (left end, facing east). People said it had been opened by locals that morning. As long as it lasts, the passage through it is actually almost decent. One guy remarked to us: "Good beginning". Upon inquiry, we found out that the paving work was commisioned by Hevrat Moriah, so really by the Jerusalem municipality. They said it would be done from the bottom of Mt. Olives (where the original Abu Dis checkpoint was), though Eizarya, and that in time the wall would be dismanteled from its present place and moved about a block eastward. We cannot vouch for this information.