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We arrived at 14:55, parked the car right near the checkpoint, and walked over to the soldiers. They said that the 3 trucks were waiting for an hour to go north to the back-to-back area, because only 3 trucks at a time can be there and they were waiting for a sign that they can let the trucks through. A group of about 20 older women with boxes of strawberries on their heads were waiting nervously at the pedestrian south point to be allowed through. Some of them start quarreling, and the soldier yells that he'll shut down the checkpoint. Quiet is restored, and the women are checked one by one and let through to the north. We are asked by a BP solider to move back so as "not to disturb their work", and do so, standing one foot behind them 15:14 E. goes back to get something from the car and the car is gone!A taxi driver says that he saw someone pushing it away. We phone 100 and the insurance company - the car was stolen.16:00 Y. and N. try to help by making several phone calls - to no avail.16:25 an ambulance arrives from the east, is checked and allowed through to the north.16:43 an ambulance from the east again is let through to the north. A BP jeep stops by our side and talks to us, asking questions and trying to be friendly. The BP are under CDO Tulkarm, Ephraim division. They tell us that further north there's another checkpoint - number 104 - at the entrance to Tulkarm. The road east is called Okef Shchem ("sidestepping Nablus"), goes to Huwwara, Kedumim, Alfei Menashe,Kalkilia.Taibe police station number: 09-7612444