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Qalandya south - 2 regular police soldiers stood where the soldiers used to stand are checking IDs.Qalandya north - When we arrived, we noticed kids were throwing stones from the direction of Kalandia neighbourhood. There were also 2 tires burning. About 10 soldiers (male and female) approached in the direction of the children and after a short while started shooting towards them. We started to call Asaf, Numa`s assistant. He said the soldiers were shooting rubber bullets in the air. I told him I could see with my own eyes that they are shooting at the children. By then we noticed an Ambulance standing in the main road of Qalandya. People around us said that a boy was shot in the head and was being taken to the hospital in Ramallah. We informed the army about it. We found out the name of the boy and his age. The soldiers continued standing on a roof and then came back.Our actions:1. We informed Physicians for Human Rights and they contacted the family of the boy and also doctors in the hospital. They or B`tselem will conduct an investigation.2. We spoke to Roni Numa who said he was investigating, but that the bullets were rubber bullets that were shot into the air.