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Due to the closureinfo-icon, there was hardly any traffic either vehicular or pedestrian. At the southern side of the checkpoint, nearly all IDs were checked. As individuals approached the guard (there usually isn’t a guard there) the IDs (all colors) were taken and checked against a list. People waited on the side. This was done in a rapid manner. Only elderly people were allowed to pass without waiting. When the IDs were returned, they were passed through the fence to anyone standing on the other side and then the people had to distribute them by themselves. The queuing area was wet, very muddy, and slippery. I requested that the soldiers put sand bags down in the passage but the soldier replied that he couldn’t deal with it. MS then went to the female soldier checking the vehicles going north and told her of the condition of the line and she answered "Very good that it is like this". M promptly demanded her supervisor. The supervisor instructed another soldier to put sand bags down, which was done immediately. On the northern side, a doctor was refused passage because he didn’t have the proper permit. He waited one and a half hours just to be turned back. We gave him the card for the Moked.Three other men were waiting on the northern side while their IDs were checked; the soldiers assured us that they were processing as quickly as possible. The taxi drivers told us that there have been no changes since last week in the situation.