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Despite the closureinfo-icon, there was a constant flow of people. 2 border police were at the passage way from the field, and 2 patrolled between the petrol station and the mosque.People with Blue IDs or permits were allowed to pass.When we tried to help a woman who showed a teacher's card, we were treated rudely by the border police and the woman was sent away even more rudely. Others were turned away and told to come back tomorrow. We asked the BP's to identify themselves - and they refused. (Later, it turned out that one of them gave us a phony name). We called Safadi, and within a couple of minutes an officer arrived (jeep 22-539) and straightened things out. He listened to us, made the policemen identify themselves to us (their real names were Jermi and Kobi), and gave one of them a reprimand. The officer's name is Salman Hirbawi, and he is reponsible for the western side of the wall, and is willing to help if neccesary: 050-480532. At around 8:15 two border police started to run after people who were (hiding? escaped?) at the bottom of the slopes in the area between the houses near the taxi depot. Running, shouting, pull out their guns... we saw that two people were arrested.