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E-Ram 08:10All seemed silent and smooth. No confiscations, no arrests. The cars movedfairly quickly. We went straight to Kalandia.Qalandya: We arrived and were told that a terrible car accident happened on the way to Jaba, and that 5 girls got killed. We decided to go there and see if help was needed. By the time we got there, the wounded were transferred to Hadassah Har Hatzofim by Magen David Adom. The police were on the spot for documentation and the soldiers told us that one little girl was killed and several others injured. At night, they announced on the radio that one of the wounded girls died on the operation table. As things were handled in a more or less decent manner we decided to go back to Kalandia. Qalandya was very busy in the northern direction, less so toward the south. Immediately after our arrival, the drivers of the confiscated taxis came over and told us the same story they told watchers on the previous day. We went to the north side of the Machsom and saw some 50 yellow taxis parked on the Atarot runway. We took the cellphone number of one driver. They already had the Moked card and have been in touch with Shady and Abu Amry. Nina promised to alert the foreign press.We should follow the case.