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E-Ram: Cars moving quite quickly, pedestrians as well, all seems as smooth as it can be.Qalandya South: All pedestrians pass freely regardless of the color of their IDs as seems to be the policy for quite some time.Qalandya North - It all seemed rather easygoing, when suddenly Yohai the relatively lenient officer told the soldiers that the checkpoint was closed, no one allowed through, that there was shooting at route 90, immediately they rushed towards the waiting Palestinians, no one passes they said, move back, and put a plastic barrier to make it explicit. Before long for some mysterious reason the order was revoked, and with the same urgency and abruptness as before the barrier was removed and people were free to pass.An ambulance with blinking lights which passed the cars waiting in line trying to come closer to the checking booth had been stopped, an army jeep blocking his way making sure he wouldn't continue. The paramedic, a very anxious and passionate young woman told us excitedly that they are transferring a woman with a renal failure (on her way back from a hospital in Ramalla) to Jericho, and that there was an ambulance waiting on the other side (Qalandia South) to pick her up, and that the soldiers not only wouldn't allow them go to the beginning of the line but ordered them to go and stand at the very back of the line, after having been standing for a very long time already, and going back would mean an additional hour. We went to speak to the soldier who gave the order (border police or army police) who angrily said that they should be punished, why had they passed the others, why hadn't they stayed in line, so we told him that 'this was an ambulance', with a critically sick patient, and that …something happened to him, he flushed, his tone changed from anger to righteousness: 'but I told them they could go first, but they said I couldn't check them' he suddenly changed his previous version and tone. We reassured him it was just a misunderstanding, and he said 'of course they could pass, that he meant that in the first place'Meanwhile the waiting ambulance from the other side came North, so the old woman was taken out and put on a stretcher, it was freezing, pouring rain, then she had to be rolled over to the other ambulance, and at the same time the ambulance was searched, then the woman was rolled into the other ambulance which roared on southwards on its way to Jericho.