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E-Ram - not many pedestrians and traffic (6.45 in the morning) everything flows, pedestrians are hardly checked.Qalandya south - Only women soldiers. Only blue IDs are allowed, other even with valid permits are not allowed. Why? The soldiers do not know. Everyday there is a new instruction, the one corrects here: Every half a day.Qalandya north the same situation. 7.30 we try calling Border Police Ramallah, the respondent says I have never faced this kind of question before. He will check. No answer from Safadi. Izik Deri (High officer in Coordination Office) asks to be called again in an hour. says: There is no such an order. 7.45 he calls back and says the order was called off. We tell him that this not what we observe. He will look into it.We ask people who are sent back to wait, every minute the situation is going to change. They are smarter than us they do not wait and go back apparently to go around.In the meantime we hear from a KAv Hatefer white bearded soldier with a heavy Moroccan accent that we are garbage.2.30 We leave a message to Assaf who returns the call and promises that the situation has changed people with permits can go through. The morning of all the tens of those people was completely ruined apparently because of some confusing line of command.