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we got to Abu-Dis around 7:45, and no border police or soldiers were there. we were told that there were four of them earlier, but they left - probably for an all-day-long walking patrol around the area, on both sides of the wall. but this leaves the way open for territories' residents to pass into jerusalem. The problem is, according to the taxi drivers, that they are caught later at Mt. Olive's or another temporary checkpoints, and besides the taxi is taken then for 30 days. they ask us to find out if a change was made in the orders, allowing border police officers to take cars without a formal command. they tell us that many many cars were taken lately in this way and kept at Atarot, only last wednesday 7 transits were taken. the driver also gets a 5000 shekel the way, the passage from east to west goes up many very steep metal stairs into the mosque yard. Not to mention the big stones blocking it at the ends.Our friend O was kidding that in such way they keep eastern jerusalem clean of arab men: in a short time all will be fined, arrested (because of debts) or just obliged stay at home while their taxi is confiscated.