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The wall built in the middle of the road in Abu-Dis has now been completed. From the wall of the field across the gas station, to the wall of the mosque there is now a continuous row of high betonades. Here and there they have barbed wire on top, here and there there is a double-decker, but now nobody can any longer jump over the wall. A couple of cracks remain for the very very very slim. We saw the clinching betonades being put in place by a huge special-purpose truck in front ofour very eyes. Otherwise, it was a usual and familiar shift, people trudging mostly eastward through the mosque grounds, weary with the dusty uncomfortable climb, many asking us: "Ma ihyeh?" (what is going to be?). Some detainess released quickly, 2 whom the little ethiopian soldier in charge threatenedto hold for a few hours. He would not say what for. He would not give ushis name. He just kept demanding very nastily that we move away, becausewe were disturbing his work (ever heard that one before?). He wanted tosee my ID -- but wouldn't show his. I suggested he take my car licenseplate instead. He did. We ended the shift by taking the roundabout road. The one checkpoint was stopping no-one. It is actually quite a quick drive when they don't stop you.