Awarta, Beit Furik, Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah), Sun 18.11.07, Morning

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מקום או מחסום: 
צופות ומדווחות: 
Maya (guest) Edna L., Yael B. (reporting)

Translation: Maureen A. 

7:40 The entrance road to the village of Zeita is blocked with concrete blocks.

7:45 The Za'tara Checkpoint

 6 vehicles from the west, 12 from the north.

8:00 Beit Furik Checkpoint

 No vehicles. Few pedestrians.

Awarta Checkpoint

 13 trucks coming from the Israeli side, and about the same number in the  opposite direction.
 There's one security check station open, which is checking one vehicle from   each direction alternately; therefore the long lines.

Huwwara Checkpoint

 There are about 50 - 60 people in lines in the shed.

8:40 A bus arrives from Nablus - as usual, the passengers are told to get off the bus  for the security check.  We measure the time.

 One woman passing by looks at the tag I'm wearing and 'advises' us, in  English: "Go listen to how they are yelling at us." (She's probably talking  about a soldier/soldiers at the other end of the line. We didn't hear it.)

9:10 The above-mentioned bus is allowed to leave (it was detained for 30 minutes).

9:30 One of the people passing by remarks sarcastically, "You are standing here to  help us - sure!"  As Bialik said before him, "[They] have seen you anew in  your limited power."

During our entire stay at the Checkpoint we had no contact whatsoever with any of the soldiers (except for "Hi" from the DCO representative).

10:30 We left, via the Jit road.