Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah), Thu 24.6.10, Afternoon

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מקום או מחסום: 
צופות ומדווחות: 
Karin L., Gila P. (reporting), Translator: Charles K.

14:30  Before reaching Shomron gate we were stuck in a traffic jam caused by soldiers inspecting the Israeli cars entering the West Bank.
Route 505 – Palestinian cars assembled next to the entrance toward Jama’in.  We weren’t able to stop to see what was going on.
Tapuach junction
5 cars coming from Nablus; no delays.
15:00  Huwwara
Youths in a group, seeing the Machsom Watch banners, motion to us, some approvingly, some less so.  A pleasant man approaches, introduces himself as a journalist, social worker and peace activist.  He comes from the neighboring village, Sawwiya, and is guiding a group of about 18 youths.  They’ve never seen the ocean..  They’re under constant pressure and their lives are never calm.  Perhaps we can invite them and their families to take a break.  Perhaps they’ll be able to see the ocean with their own eyes for the first time.  (They’re 16-18 years old, emphasizes Arafat, and have never seen the ocean!).  He’s against hatred, wants to encourage coexistence between the two neighboring peoples.
Huwwara checkpoint
A soldier hurries over and orders us not to cross a certain line.  From time to time they seem to reduce the size of the area where Machsom Watch women are allowed to stand.  The traffic mostly flows freely.  Cars are sometimes detained at the entry toward Nablus – mainly the larger ones – by Nahal soldiers standing before the entrance to the parking lot.
The soldiers make sure that cars owned by Jews don’t enter the forbidden area.  Israeli Arabs are allowed in, the soldier explains.  We ask how he know who’s an Arab.  He answers:  We know.  Without further explanation.  He refuses to say whether the checkpoint is open at night.
Awwarta checkpoint
An Israeli truck heading for Nablus isn’t detained.  It turns out that they don’t always check.  This checkpoint is open during the day (closed from 20:00 to 06:00).