Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah), Wed 23.6.10, Afternoon

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מקום או מחסום: 
צופות ומדווחות: 
Shlomit B., Aliyah S. (reorting)


Wednesday, 23.6.2010,  pm, Huwarra, Za'atra, Azzun Atmeh

Observers: Shlomit B., Aliyah S. reporting


In response to a call from Tami C. about a fire on Tuesday in the olive groves at Azzun, we went to see what we could report on it. But the fire had been in the area of Azzun Atmeh, so we went first to Huwwara.


15:15  Huwwara

From what we could see the soldiers at the checkpost for vehicles coming out of Nablus were doing spot checking - once a taxi, once a tender, and once a car.  Into Nablus the traffic was moving smoothly.


 16:00 Za'tara Junction

     Vehicles were passing in all directions without being checked.

      At the junction we were met by a young man from As-Sawiya who took a number of bags and boxes from us with toys and games for the children there which had been collected in Tel Aviv.


As we passed the entrance road to Zeita Jamma'in we were happy to see that it was still open.
