Bethlehem, Etzion DCL, Mon 12.7.10, Morning

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Ora A., Yael S. (reporting)

10:20 am, Etzion DCL: Monday, again we arrived at the DCL at 10:20.
And there were no surprises because 12 people were waiting for Shabak interrogation.
One of them had come for the second time because he was there yesterday and they told him to return. I am prevented from describing, relating or saying anything because they were very afraid of our intervention. They feared that now they would be beaten, that all sorts of bad things would be done to them.. I gave them my phone number so they could tell what happened. I will understand if they don’t tell, and if they think that all told I am a collaborator – MW too – even though there was someone there who knew Hagit and explained who we were to those summoned.
Again we agreed that the Shabak is outside the law and there is no real element that interests him to know how and what we do: “We cannot intervene in decisions,” I was told by senior personnel. The explanations and reasons were of no avail for me, nor were the warnings that blatantly illegal acts were perpetrated here, and that there is no element that can deal immediately to prevent a crime (the holding of 12 men for interrogation for many hours with no compensation for lost hours of work, and without them having any right to legal defence), I find most troublesome. According to international law this method is also problematic. An additional explanation I tried to give is that this action contributes nothing to personal security or civil security, but can create a situation of fear and terror, and a feeling of branding the waiting Palestinians, who if not too involved till today, they are now “bad” so why not do more.
All the senior echelons responded that we can complain in writing... This report will be sent to them.