Hebron, South Hebron Hills, Tue 6.11.12, Morning

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Hagit B. and Michal Tz. (reporting and photos)
Seriously? Does this make us safer?


Translator:  Charles K.


Southern Hebron Hills

We began on Highway 317 because we’d heard about demolitions in the Sussiya area.  It turned out we didn’t have to go there so we drove to see what’s going on at Mitzpeh Avigail.  We could already see from the road that the investment of Israel’s government in improving the entrance to the locality.

The cranes, trucks and laborers are Palestinian.  The theater of the absurd at its best.  The security coordinator doesn’t simply allow himself to transport building materials in his vehicle.  The guard in the booth at the entrance is an IDF soldier.  Expansion has begun.


As we left we saw shepherds from Al Mafkara, between Avigail and the southern part of Ma’on.  They wanted to speak to us; we went down to them.  They suffer continually from settlers and from the authorities who want to demolish where they live and expel them, claiming it’s a firing range.  A riddle:  why are they the only ones interfering with the IDF’s training?!  Aren’t the Jewish localities also within range?


The locality, like others in the area, is comprised of dilapidated, heartbreaking structures and caves.  Only the school and mosque are more substantial buildings, and they’re also slated for demolition.  The school is for first and second graders who aren’t able to walk all the way to A-Tawwani. 


We saw the demolition orders, whose implementation has been delayed for now.  They don’t know for how long.  They say attorneys are handling their case.  We’ll follow up.


We drove to Hebron.



In the photo: Postal vehicle in Hebron. Only this kind of vehicle is allowed on the streets of H2


In Hebron the quiet chronicle of the occupation continues.

The concrete barriers surrounding Beit HaMeriva [house of contention] are being removed.

It appears that they’re beginning to remove signs of the military position that has been there till now, and are preparing to “recivilianize” the location.  We’ll follow up here also.


The notorious revolving gate at Curve 160 has been removed.  Should we be glad, or will they now upgrade the barrier with a dignified magnemometer booth?  We’ll wait and see.


Many buses in the Cave of the Patriarchs parking lot, bringing pilgrims who appear to be from Africa.


On the portion of Shuhadeh Street near the Cave of the Patriarchs all the shuttered shop doors have been painted the same color, concealing most of the graffiti.