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Anin checkpoint Album

Anin 22.03.07
Photographer: Su S. (A guest with machsomWatch shift)
Palestinians waiting by the "Agricultural gate" at Anin. This is the only way to reach their land.
Anin checkpoint 03.05.06
Photographer: Raya Zenter
No vehicles are allowed to pass through into the fields.
Anin checkpoint 03.05.06
Photographer: Raya Zenter
Mainly old farmers are entitled to get permission to cultivate their land on the other side of the seam line. No vehicles are allowed to pass through.
Anin checkpoint 03.05.06
Photographer: Raya Zenter
Children accompanying their mother to work are checked before passing through the agricultural gate.
Anin 12.03.07
Photographer: Neta Golan
A new magnetic card for crossing the CPs of the Seam Line.
Anin 12.03.07
Photographer: Neta Golan
Palestinian farmers waiting for the agricultural gate to be opened (late) to return home.
Anin 12.03.07
Photographer: Neta Golan
An old woman detained on her way back home to Anin.