Three Hebron stories: Two funerals, two white donkeys and one terrorist

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Hagit B and Mohammad, the driver. Translation: Naomi Halsted 

Yesterday, a Jew from Hebron and a Palestinian from Tel Rumeida passed away. For four hours, Palestinians were not allowed through the checkpoints leading to the Jewish cemetery. Only Jews were allowed to pass. The Palestinians who wanted to come to comfort the bereaved family were detained for four hours at the checkpoint. 

Ra’ad filmed the funeral from his home. Today, we drank coffee with him. Naturally a gentle man, he’s angry. There’s not much we can do about it.

We stopped to talk to children in the street. One of them asked Mohammad, the driver, where he’s from. Mohammad replied that he’s from Beersheva. The child was amazed: “Aren’t you afraid to ride with a Jewish woman?”

Abed, who owns a shop opposite the Cave of the Patriarchs, told me that last Thursday (December 16) around noon, by the Cave in the Muslim area of the plaza, a woman in her late 60s took a knife for peeling apples out of her pocket and placed it on the coat of a settler who was passing by and immediately lay down on the asphalt. “Terrorist, terrorist,” shouted the soldiers. The woman was evacuated on a stretcher. The settler’s nose was bleeding.

What did the woman want?

Why was the area closed to Palestinians afterwards?

The god of the occupation knows the answers.