Hebron, South Hebron Hills

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Nina and  Hagit Sar Shalom (reporting); Translator: Netanya.

Road 60 – We left a bit later than usual so maybe that was why there were hardly any checkpoints on the roads.


Here too it was quiet and very very hot.  More and more gatesinfo-icon are closed.

A  short walk next to the House of Dispute, quiet around, but signs of Jewish life are clearly visible.

The gate at the checkpoint of the Cave of the Patriarchs is closed. We could not drive through to visit Abed (Next to the Cave).

M. prefers not to get involved  with the soldiers also because afterwards our car is  “marked”  and they will begin to harass us.

Shuhada street is empty. Going up towards Tel Rumeida is a group of ultra-orthodox (on their way to the graveyard?)

At the top of the hill, opposite the checkpoint, which is still hard to get used to, the road is completely blocked by two buses and a few other cars stuck in the neck of this traffic jam. Probably visitors / tourists. We had to give up on our route at the top and go back..

At the House of  Contention an enormous flag is flying but the picture of the prime  minister has been taken down.

The "Ohel (Tent) David" synagogue looks very neglected, wrapped in a torn Israeli flag, the edges of the flag sweeping the ground around it. What a sign of the respect they have for the flag.

On the way to the Kafisha neighborhood, the new and threatening checkpoint is ready, and for some reason the army is still not operating it. We could go into the neighborhood with no problem…..for the moment.

The fig season is in full swing and the Hebron grapes are already being harvested and sold at the roadside.