Khursa - damage to livelihood due to the presence of the army

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Mohammad, Dafna and a guest; Translator: Natanya

A shift to Khursa and Fuqeiqis, which are on the way to the settlements of Negohot

Sunday, Meitar,  as usual a rush at the beginning of the week and the parking lot is full.

Route 60:

There is not much traffic on the road. In front of the Shama settlement, we saw Havat Yehuda. It seems to be growing and developing: a new trailer has been added.


We spoke with Yosef Shahatit,  owner of a food and fodder store for sheep, whose store is located next to the checkpoint, which was placed right inside the village, and which affects the routine of village life.

He says that every day the army is parked near the checkpoint which is near the store, and in the square next to it. This happens mostly in the morning, when people go to work, at noon during prayer and at night. Each such shift of the army lasts about two and a half hours, and this deters people: they are afraid to come to the area, and this harms the livelihood of all the shops.

The increased presence of the army started mainly after the pogrom in Huwwara, but by and large, the situation has worsened since the election of the new government.

About a week ago, after massacres in Jenin, children from the village threw stones, and this also increased the presence of the army. When there are incidents like this, the army also enters houses and takes cameras.

As mentioned, the livelihood of the Palestinians is  affected, normal life and freedom of movement are affected. The divan next to the shops, which is right inside the checkpoint area is still in use, but you have to ask for permission for any event. They want to expand it, but need building permits.

The economic situation is difficult, the price of everything has gone up, the shekel and the dinar have also gone up. The fodder has to be imported from abroad. There is nothing locally so the price goes up.

For several weeks now, there has been a teachers' strike, as they have not been paid  and there are no classes.

Fuqeiqis which is directly on the road to Negohot, is frequently threatened by a Negohot settler whose farm is in the area. Down the mountain there was a big fire of the garbage that had collected there. Heavy black smoke covered the area.

In Negohot, construction and expansion works are seen. From time to time we see a military vehicle, but we didn't see any roadblocks.