Hebron. Small settlements are choking the Palestinians

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Judy (photography), Hagit (reporting), together with Muhamed. Judith Green (translating)

Highway 60

At the junction of Dura-Al Fawwar, the Israeli Electricity company is working and there are a lot of soldiers protecting the junction.  The Palestinians are already used to this.


More and more small settlements are choking the Palestinians in area H2.

And something encouraging:  Reut Preparatory tour with Breaking the Silence.

Highway 317

While we were in Hebron, we got an update from Raia about house destruction.  We understood that the destruction was in the village of Zif, next to the school.  They destroyed a house that they had started building and a water cistern.  We arrived 10 minutes after the army left.  It is not possible to understand the logic behind the destruction.  Of course, there is no feeling of remorse

Opposite the barns of Maon Carmel they erected a water system for the acreage set aside for the settlers.  Scarce and valuable grazing ground stolen from the Palestinians.

And the expense of water for Palestinians in the south Hebron hills is known to us.  For the settlers, water for agriculture is heavily subsidized.

At the end of our shift, we met with Shabtai from the Settlement Watch team and we showed him the current work area (Opposite Tene Omarim, 6 km north of the Meitar checkpoint).