Hebron, South Hebron Hills, Mon 2.3.09, Afternoon

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Raya, Hagit S. (reports)

Our shift leaves from Tarqumiya at noon (12:30pm) 
Road 35, Road 60

It's a cloudy, rainless day. The Western entrance to Hebron is shut off, a military vehicle stands there.

The Olive passageway: Open, no soldiers.
The Humanitarian CP: open, no soldiers to be seen.Several vehicles drive in both directions on roads 35 and 60. On our way back, there are more local vehicles than the usual.
Shuyuch Hebron: as usual, closed in both directions. 

Children on their way back from school, some already playing on the street and in the alleys. Military presence is scarce. It is relatively calm.
The Pharmacy CP: shut and no a living soul around.
The Shouhada St.: practically deserted, a few pedestrians.
Tarpat CP: soldiers as well as police – checking passers by. One of the Palestinians walking through speaks Hebrew and compliments the Give'ati soldiers, in their presence. The policeman in the van instructs us: we may go up to Tel-Rumeydah, but are not allowed to walk left, to the neighborhood. Turning to the right is ok.
"I have no problem with your work" he says, "but don't get in the soldiers way, don't get too close…"
The Patriarch's Tomb Cave: Quiet. A single soldier at the pathway, no detaineesinfo-icon.An Israeli flag is still set on top of the House of Dispute 

Road 60:
Appears relatively calm.