Hebron, Wed 15.2.12, Morning

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Raya and Hagit S. (reporting)

Translator:  Charles K.

We drove to the Meitar crossing today also, and began our circuit from the south.

Our entry to Kiryat Arba today was accompanied by smiles from the guard, who for some reason has become our friend.  Only the remains of the demolished buildings are left on Giv’at Avichai (except for one small structure that’s still standing).

Electric poles being erected at Curve 160.  The streets are pretty empty; it’s cloudy, with a little rain.

Yehuda, from “Breaking the Silence,” is sitting at ‘Abed’s shop with two young journalists from Galei Zahal [the army radio station] who came to Hebron at their own initiative.  They’re asking questions (of us also) and taking notes…  Yehuda also arranged a meeting for them with someone who’s organizing a demonstration to open Shuhadah Street(?).

In response to our question, Yehuda says the new signs are apparently the result of a decision by the

Kiryat Arba local council.

Preparations for Purim are already underway at the Cave of the Patriarchs plaza:  signs, people selling things, music (“Jacob’s lily, joyous and rejoicing” in an Ashkenazi accent…)

They’re still building the improved booth for the soldiers at Tel Rumeida, which has been moved to the other side of the street.

Two Golani soliders aren’t particularly interested in talking to us.  One of them also spits at us an “encouraging” comment.

This could be a lovely trip, the wonderful landscape, everything green, the almond trees in blossom…

Once again we’re pleased to note the smooth crossing through Meitar, compared to the difficulties at Tarqumiyya.