Etzion DCL, Sun 4.9.11, Afternoon

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Nava D., Daniela G. (reporting)
Ezion DCL, 16:00 pm: the lesson we learnt during this shift is that if you have a nice, warm, cooperative, and initiating soldier behind the window at the entrance, the on goings at the DCL can be facilitated to a considerable extent.
Upon arrival, we were greeted by the familiar sight: Many cars in the parking lot, some 20 people in the waiting hall, half of them crowded against the turnstile. It was discouraging since there was only one hour till closing time and reports from people
coming out of the office were that there were many waiting inside as well.
Though it seemed pretty hopeless we tried buzzing the soldier on the intercom. A pleasant girl answered, and to our surprise promised to let in more people in a few minutes. Within 10 minutes we counted about 8 people leaving the inner office and the soldier girl was as good as her word.
Not only that, but whenever we approached the turnstile she immediately asked if there was anything else she could do, and there was: By 16:30, only half an hour to go, the prospects of the 10 people still outside looked grim so she, of her own initiative, suggested they hand her a list of those still waiting and she would see to it that they would be let in first thing tomorrow morning even though it was not their day to be serviced. It was her shift tomorrow morning.
The Palestinians were extremely skeptical even though we told them that if things did  not work out on the morrow they could call us. They were reluctant to make a list and some left.
As to those remaining, it took very little explaining for her to let in a mother and son who claimed to have kidney problems, and another lady who had come accompanied by two children, whom we promised to "babyinfo-icon-sit". There were 2 men left. One resides in Bethlehem so tomorrow is "his day" anyways and the other was obstinate. It paid and yet didn't. At ten to closing time she let both in but as expected, they were told the very same thing by the people inside the office – come back tomorrow.
In the meanwhile a few more people came in and the soldier girl was very efficient with them as well. She turned to each and every one on the spot, and following calling whoever necessary, she gave them the information they needed thus sparing them the need to plead to be let in and probably be refused anyway.
We complemented her on our way out adding we hoped she would stick to her attitude.