Hebron, Sansana, Sun 24.1.10, Morning

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Yael Z. and Noga R. (reports)

Meytar checkpoint was particularly busy today. There was rather a considerable number of people at the entry to the checking lane, but when we arrived there it seemed that pressure was subsiding. Apart from that, there were also prisoners' families, awaiting their turn.
Hebron was very deserted this morning. This was partly due to the school break, and partly perhaps to the cold. Most of our tour was done by foot today. At the Patriarchs' Cave CP border police soldiers detained three Palestinian youths for rather a long time. They seemingly examined their IDs, but the whole affair was conducted so lazily, that one of the detaineesinfo-icon impatiently threatened to leave without his ID. Given that we were not joyously received there, we concluded that the border policemen might be delaying the whole thing spitefully, against us, so we left. When we returned a bit later, none of the detainees was there any longer.
The steel doors of the houses sitting right on the streets are full of "Kahane was Right!" and "Kill the Arabs" graffiti.
On the way out of Kiryat Arba, on the hill opposite, two new caravans have emerged, in addition to the tent posited there already some time ago.