Hebron, Sansana, South Hebron Hills, Thu 18.6.09, Morning

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Zipi and Noga (reporting)

Meytar CP: open and quiet. 

Road 60
Dura Elfawwar: open.
Sheeps' Junction: open. 
On our way to Hebron, Zipi calls our attention to the fact that there are more Palestinian cars on the road than the usual, indicating that more permits are now given for people to get out of their villages.  


The place is strawn with signposts announcing: "Outcry and prayer", and in smaller letters explicating that the wicked conspire to uproot Jews of their homes and therefore, there will very soon be a mass outcry at the Kotel (Wailing Wall).
Pharmacy CP: deserted.
Tel Rumeidah CP: empty. The soldiers report of a quiet week.
Girls' School CP: partially open.
Tarqumiya CP: 'Business as usual'. Packed with tracks.
Hebron is visibly deserted today. There were no noteworthy incidents, apart from a quasi-accident with Anat the settler who, upon seeing our car, apparently determined to run into us…