Jordan Valley | Machsomwatch
אורנית, מהצד הזה של הגדר

Jordan Valley

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The Jordan Valley is the eastern strip of the West Bank. Its area consists of almost a third of the West Bank area.
About 10,000 settlers live there, about 65,000 Palestinian residents in the villages and towns. In addition, about 15,000 are scattered in small shepherd communities. These communities are living in severe distress because of two types of harassment: the military declaring some of their living areas, as fire zones, evicting them for long hours from their residence to the scorching heat of the summer and the bitter cold of the winter.
The other type is abuse by rioters who cling to the grazing areas of the shepherd communities, and the declared fire areas (without being deported).
The many groundwaters in the Jordan Valley belong to Mekorot and are not available to Palestinians living in the Jordan Valley. The Palestinians bring water to their needs in high-cost followers.


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