Etzion DCL

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Daniela G., Neta E.

13:45 - as we regularly find on Sunday's, there are some 15 vehicles in the parking lot and in the waiting hall only a few people. One came in to renew his magnetic cardinfo-icon but the soldier tells him to wait. Apparently the machine is out of order, there are no numbers. An older man seems to be after a permit to look for a job in Israel and we explain that he first needs to apply at the Palestinian DCO. Minutes go by and there are two men requesting a magnetic card. Those needing a permit are let in immediately. A man who just came out of the inside office having obtained the permit he was after in order to attend a medical appointment but only for a day though he was hoping for 3, claims there are still about 15 people in the office waiting to hand in their requests. Even so we approach the soldier at the window only to be harshly ordered to go away, to get out of there. We explain who we are and that we come every week. He got up and left abruptly, to seek advice probably. Upon his return he was a different person. Those  waiting for a magnetic card are called in immediately and he asks us to make sure no one else is waiting.

We decided to leave  since the waiting hall was almost empty except for two people with whom it was difficult to communicate because they only spoke Arabic. The little we understood was that there was a problem entering Israel with their caterpillar lorry even though something or other had been paid for. In the parking lot a man asks for our assistance in bringing sick people from Gaza into Israel. We give him Hanna's phone number.