Update during Corona: Anin - "Be healthy, you and your family"

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Shuli Bar transmits telephone reporting

M., an old acquaintance, is a farmer from Anin. This evening he called to hear how I was faring, and tell me how he is. He says all the villagers are in their homes, the streets are empty. They have oil, flour, olives, vegetables – they’ll manage. But how will the olive trees manage? This is the time to plow between the trees, pull out the winter weeds that have taken over the grove. But there is no one to talk to, who in the DCO would let them cross the Separation Fence these days?

“Perhaps you could speak to them, so they’ll let the farmers with tractors cross?” I promise him to try and remind us both that the Jews now, too, are under closureinfo-icon and everyone’s scared.

“Stay healthy, you and your whole family. That’s why I called.”