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Hagit Beck, reporting. Translation: Bracha Ben-Avraham

The Palestinian Authority has removed all the checkpoint that were placed at the entrances to the villages and cities and life is slowly returning to normal. 

This year marked a sad month of Ramadan, and the festival of Eid al Fitr was not celebrated in the usual manner. The despair is evident in the quiet.

One man, who was unwilling to be photographed, declared: “They are stealing our land.”  Another said that he wished we were all one state already.

The P.A. will not open the schools until the beginning of August, and the children are running around, bored. 

The throwing of Molotov cocktails and conflicts with soldiers occur almost daily, as does collective punishment. The only person who was killed in the past week was a man from Dahariya who was visiting Al Fawar. It took a while before his body was released  for burial.  

People lack the energy to protest. 

All the Occupied Territories are under lockdown because of the holiday of Shavuot. People hope that after the holiday they will be able again to go to work in Israel, as they had before the corona pandemic began.

Today Hebron looks like a ghost town.