Shocking. Anin checkpoint is closed

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Telephone report with Shuli Bar and Mahmoud. Translation: Danah Ezekiel

Anin checkpoint: The little farmer Vs. Occupation’s steamroller

Mahmoud rang this morning from the Anin checkpoint. Wednesday and Monday are the days of passage at this checkpoint, which was originally intended to allow Aanin farmers to reach their olives (hundreds of dunams) that the separation barrier closed in front of them. He’s standing with his friends and waiting and waiting. The huge wall hides the checkpoint and they don't know if the soldiers have come or will come to open it. Maybe you can find out for them. Unfortunately, and for the heartache that never goes away - there is no one to inquire with. Until a year ago, I had the phone number of a human DCO officer, who at least agreed to answer my verbal and written inquiries. Since he left, there has been a blanket ban on not talking to the women of Machsumwatch. It has become an operational line and we are not allowed to use it. We are elderly aunts and grandmothers, but we are not stupid.

Mahmoud says that two weeks ago the Civil Administrationinfo-icon (at the DCO) renewed their transit permits for the next two years! Last Monday, a DCO officer informed them that the checkpoint was closed! And from now on they will only open twice a year. During Harvest and during the Plowing period. This is a court decision.

An appeal has been filed.

And if there is justice - let it show itself at once!