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Rachel A., visitor.
בקעת הירדן - יום גשום לפרקים, ההרים החלו להוריק, אפשר לצאת עם הצאן למרעה
Jordan valley. It rains now and then, the hills are green, flocks can be taken to pasture.
Hasida Sheflan
אין בעיות ביטחוניות. לא צבא. לא מתנחלים. הכל מתנהל כסדרו..
In the pasture - no security problems. No army. No settlers. All is calm.
Rachel A.


Accompanying shepherds and visiting families.

Intermittent rain, allowing shepherds to take flocks out to pasture. The hills are turning green but the low grass is still insufficiently satisfying, and fodder has to be added after pasture. And water.

There are no security problems. No army. No settlers. All proceeds calmly.

The rains have been a blessing to the recently sowed fields. They have made the path rough, which was rough anyway.

The three brothers are happy to receive visitors and everything we have brought with us.  And we must make a list of new requests …