In Jerusalem the violence is increasing, most of the entrance barriers to the city are closed

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Anat Tuag with N., with K. from Jerusalem
סמטאותריקות בירושלים. מלחמה: חרבות הברזל

360,000 Palestinian residents live in Jerusalem, 39% of the city's population. Since the Simchat Torah massacre the situation in the city has been tense and violence has increased. 9 Palestinians were killed in clashes with police officers and MGB, Jewish incitement on the networks spreads without response,  there were cases of assault and expulsion of Palestinians from public places , and in frictional neighborhoods such as Sheikh Jarrah, acts of revenge were carried out against Palestinians.

Most of the entrance barriers to the city have closed, so that the residents of the  residents of the Jerusalem neighborhoods separated by the wall are prevented from coming to work, school, or receiving medical treatment in Jerusalem. Also, the instructions of the Home Command are not published in Arabic and are not accessible to the Palestinian residents. They are not protected at all against a missile and rocket attack. No mobile shields are stationed. 

Despite the severe restrictions on entering the Old City - the clashes due to the prevention of entry to the Friday prayer at Al Aqsa ended  relatively quickly. Urban coexistence organizations intensified the calming activities in cooperation with Jerusalem Municipality officials (information courtesy of Ir Amim)

  • Phone conversation with N., school principal in the Jabal Mukabar neighborhood [in Jerusalem], lives in the Sheikh Sa’ed neighborhood that belongs to Area B and separated by the wall from its original village: the checkpoint at Sheikh Sa’ed has been immediately closed on Saturday, October 7th. Only local medical professionals who work in Jerusalem and hold an Israeli ID are permitted to cross after their specific medical permit has been inspected. No others are let through. At the end of the week, school was supposed to begin on October 17th according to the municipal policy of schools in the city (conditioned by the existences of safe spaces for all pupils). Principals, teachers and pupils arrived at the checkpoint early in the morning but no one at the checkpoint knew whether to let them cross. N. turned to the DCO officer who promised an answer, which did not arrive… I suggested he call the municipality spokesperson and ask whether the city policy is identical to that of the western part of city. Nihad expressed his sorrow at the Hamas actions. Luckily, Sheikh Sa’ed is not surrounded by colonists…
  • Phone conversation with C. of the Shu’afat refugee camp, a part of Jerusalem on the other side of the wall: The checkpoint is opened alternately for Israeli ID holders only. No pupils are allowed to reach their Jerusalem schools. Vehicles are allowed through bit by bit. Garbage accumulates, and every night Israeli security forces enter the camp. Ambulances are only allowed to perform back-to-back procedures with the Red Crescent.
  • Anatot Checkpoint leading to Road 1 and Jerusalem, normally for Israeli citizens, has become a checkpoint for Jews only.
  • C. is certain that the Hamas had collaborators on the Israeli side. It couldn’t have happened otherwise. Perhaps that is why he has not expressed empathy.