South Hebron Hills - checkpoints checkpoints checkpoints

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Raya Y. Translator: Natanya

Tarkumia checkpoint: road 35 looks desolate and empty. Very few cars in the huge parking lot. On normal days,p we saw endless vehicles parked everywhere at the checkpoint, including on the sides of the road, because of the very heavy traffic.

We met Ali from Tarkumiya who reports to us:

 A few Palestinians paid a lot of money to get a special permit and enter Israel. A Palestinian who has an appointment at one of the hospitals can enter Israel and return home the same day. Visits to prisons have not taken place since the war in Gaza. There are no prisoner visits by the families.

All entrances to Idna and Tarkumiya are closed. The northern entrance Halhul-Hebron is open.

We turned right onto road 60, the entrance to Shuweike and Hebron are closed, pedestrians pass from side to side.

Bani Naim intersection is closed. The Sheep Junction is closed. One of the Palestinians tried to cross at the Beit Hagai intersection near the Qilqis-Hebron sign.Taxis and passers-by move goods on foot.

Raniya, who lives between the Negohot settlements and is currently staying in Dura, tells us that her brother was arrested by the army although a search of their house turned up nothing and caused them a lot of damage.