Damascus Gate - fourth Friday of Ramadan

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Ruthi Barkai Translator:  Charles K.

After hearing and reading the news, and reading what Hanna Barag and Claire wrote…I wondered about whether it was worthwhile to observe those arriving for worship through the Damascus Gate.  The buses from Checkpoint 300 and from Qalandiya should be arriving here regularly, not only when there are worship services.

From what I see, and my personal impression, I could just as well do a “Copy-Paste” of last week’s report.  The numbers of arrivals doesn’t reach those of prior years, there’s no festive atmosphere, people aren’t photographing each other to commemorate this significant moment.  The flow of people entering and leaving the Old City goes smoothly, including tourists.  There’s no pushing, no crowding.  The army is ready on site, of course.

This time I didn’t stay until the prayers concluded.