Corona Times Report: Jayyus – Farmers go out to work in the agricultural areas

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Daniela G. transfers a telephone report. Translator: Charles K.

N. tells me there’s fear on the West Bank about the Corona’s spread and the increasing number of ill persons, even though the Palestinian Authority warns people day and night to maintain social distancing and isolation. But people don’t fully obey, he says, and the principal transmitters of the disease are those working in Israel, whether or not they have permits.  The gatesinfo-icon are frequently open, and sometimes the soldiers leave for an hour or two to allow people to cross, even those without permits.

Most Jayyus farmers have no difficulty working their olive groves and fields since the fence near Jayyus was relocated such that most of the fields remained on their side.  N. goes to his olive grove to plow and prune, and, in his words, to get out into the open for a bit.

Ramadan still seems to him far away, and he isn’t sure exactly when it starts this weekend.  But he hopes they’ll have the opportunity to celebrate. 

He sends warm regards to our colleagues.  He’s concerned about us in general, and for each of us who helped him when he needed assistance, in particular.  He wishes us all good health, and hopes for the world’s sake this difficult time will soon end.  He also very much hopes that the disaster humanity has suffered will lead to a change in the way we treat each other, in the relations between peoples and countries, so we’ll be able to put conflicts aside and live in peace. Inshalla.